Where is Joe Donnelly, Jr?
All of the Joe Donnelly family pictures have been removed
from the internet.
Joe Junior's Facebook page was recently taken down.
Rumors are that Joe Jr. has been hidden away in a
motel. (Ohio?) The picture above was
taken from Joe Donnelly Sr's congressional website months ago.
Joe Sr. refuses to talk to the press about his son.
Someone went to great expense to remove all internet
traces of Joe Donnelly, Jr.
Concerned friends have sent the following address for Joe
4234 Hickory Road, Unit 2, Mishawaka, IN
16200 Fox Cross Dr, Granger, IN 46530
452 Manchester Dr, South Bend, IN 46615
Please help locate Joe Donnelly, Jr.
If you have seen him within the past few weeks, contact
us NOW!!
Email us at sonofjoe@hush.com
Email us at sonofjoe@hush.com
Disclaimer: This blog nor its contents were authorized or approved by Richard Mourdock or anyone associated with his campaign.
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